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Our leadership understands the multifaceted language landscape, from education to industry. Together with our membership, we form a network of language professionals raising public awareness and profile of the positive benefits of language learning.


Our team analyzes federal & state legislation, provides policy recommendations to decision-makers on Capitol Hill, and tracks the budget & appropriations process in Congress.

We empower our stakeholders by connecting them with members of Congress to advance the language agenda in the U.S.


As they say,"If you're not at the table, then you're on the menu."


By becoming a member of JNCL-NCLIS you not only support our shared mission, you actively shape it. Whether you are an individual supporter or the leader of your organization, you have a place at the table. 


Every year, Language Advocacy Days brings advocates from across the country to our annual policy summit and lobby-day in
Washington, DC.

"Lobby-day" is when advocates meet with their Congressional offices to raise awareness of our goals.


Want to find out what's happening near you and around the country ?

Check out our calendar with events from JNCL and our members, and find out where we'll be next.


The story of languages in the United States pervades all aspects of our society, our economy and our heritage.


JNCL-NCLIS serves our stakeholders and the public by telling that story --and why it matters--to those in power.

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