Contact your House Representatives today and ask that they become a co-sponsor to H.R.4943, or the “ELEVATE Act."(ELEVATE stands for the Ensuring Linguistic Excellence and Vocational Aptitude by Teaching English Act)
Contact your Senators and ask that they become a cosponsor to S.2761, the companion bill to H.R.4943.

The ELEVATE Act (a.k.a. the Ensuring Linguistic Excellence and Vocational Aptitude by Teaching English) would allow Puerto Rican students to be fully counted in the annual grant allocation that states receive under the English Language Acquisition grant program. Correcting this flaw will be especially helpful to states like Connecticut and Florida, which have large and growing Puerto Rican populations.
STEP 2: Prepare your talking points or email message. Below is a sample phone or email script for BOTH House and Senate members.
Hello, my name is __________________. I live in ____________________ (provide City and Zip Code, this information is collected to ensure that you are a constituent of the district).
I am calling/writing to you today to urge my representative to support the ELEVATE Act Act. .
The ELEVATE Act works to update an outdated, flawed funding equation by updating it to ensure students who have relocated from Puerto Rico are considered English Learners.
This will ensure more money is properly allocated to English Learning students who are in need of assistance but not currently receiving it.
This bill will update the language of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to read as “immigrant children and youth and migrants from Puerto Rico.”
As a language advocate, I believe that languages are more than a means of communication; they are the cornerstone of our tradition and culture. Through supporting immigrant and Puerto Rican students, we are ensuring the future of our country is given the great gift of bilingualism.
Thank you for your time and commitment to supporting English Language Education.
For the House: I urge you to support H.R.4943, the “ELEVATE Act,” as a co-sponsor, and to vote for its swift passage through Congress.
For the Senate: I urge you to support S2761, the “ELEVATE Act,” as a co-sponsor, and to vote for its swift passage through Congress.
[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]